10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs An Email List

Let me start by saying this. Don't get me wrong, in 2023 I firmly believe all businesses should be on social media, purely from a brand awareness perspective. You want to stay top of mind with your clients and potential clients. 

But you probably hear people talking about how you must have an email list, and you have to contact them regularly, and it is very much true. 

Do you already have an email list, or is it one of those "I'll get to it one-day" type jobs?

Despite always offering services around them, I haven't talked much about email lists until recently, it seems it's always social media that gets talked about, but if Facebook was shut down tomorrow, do you have a way to communicate with your customers?

It's one of those tasks that is easy to push aside and just leave for "when you have time" (trust me, I'm guilty too!) but if you remember a couple of years ago, all "Meta owned" platforms went down for about half a day.  This included Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger, and a few other lesser-known platforms. It was like the world was ending, and that was only a few hours! How would your business cope if suddenly you had to pivot and you didn't already have a stable, warm list of contacts and customers that you can contact via email?

Newsletters are a big part of what we do at Nota Bene. Whether you already have a list and just want to communicate with them more regularly, or you would like to set up a lead magnet or nurture sequence to have a friendly and welcoming transition to your mailing list, we can help you sort it out. 

Hold up. What the heck is a Nurture Sequence?

Good question.

They are a series of (automated, you're welcome!) emails that a lead or client receives upon signing up to an email list. It might be as a result of a lead magnet or they may have just willingly joined your list as they are interested in what you offer. Usually, a nurture sequence will consist of up to 6 emails, spread over a couple of weeks, at which time they get moved to your main email list or become a client (both are ideal scenarios), or the emails stop and they don't hear from you again (not the ideal ending!) They are a great way to warm them to you and what you can offer them, without being too salesy. 

If you would like to find out how we can integrate a nurture sequence for you, overhaul your current set up or just keep the content going out, get in touch!

Ok... And Lead Magnets? What?

Lead magnets could easily have their own dedicated blog, and they will, but as a brief overview, a lead magnet is an offering to generate interest in your business. 

They are usually free or at a very low price point, to entice them over. 

Think checklists, quizzes, e-books, PDFs, that kind of thing. 

It is generally expected that they need to provide their email to get the lead magnet, and then you are able to communicate with them further. 

A lead magnet such as this will generally lead into an offering at a higher price point, which they are offered further down the track once they have gotten to know you (ie near the end of that nurture sequence we just talked about) and moves them further along your client journey. 

They are a fascinating area, and there is so much we can do with them, so if you're keen to create one for your business, let us know!

So, What Were Those 10 Reasons?

The personal touch.

Unlike social media, email provides a more one-to-one connection between your business and your subscribers. When people sign up for an email list, they give permission to the business to contact them directly, making the connection more personal to them.

Reach a broader audience:

It's easy to forget, but not everyone has a social media account, and even those who do may not be on them every day. Then there's the lack of reach many businesses encounter. Not everyone will see your posts. Email, on the other hand, reaches a much broader audience, including those who may not be on social media. 

Higher engagement rate:

Email has a higher open rate and click-through rate compared to social media posts. This means that subscribers are more likely to engage with the content sent via email than they are on Facebook or other social media platforms. Never mind that social media platforms such as Facebook hold back how many people get to see your posts, it's also just such a saturated place, pages have to fight to be seen, whereas, with email, they have asked you to contact them - they're already interested!

Targeted messaging:

With email, you can create lists and groups within your email list and send targeted messages to specific groups of subscribers. This again allows for more personalised and relevant communication, helping the readers to feel seen.

Measurable results:

You can track and measure the success of your email campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. This data can help to refine your email marketing strategy and improve your results over time.


Building an email list is more cost-effective than relying solely on social media advertising. Businesses can collect email addresses for free through website sign-ups, in-store promotions, or events.

Long-form content:

Unlike social media, email allows for longer content, such as blog posts or newsletters, to be shared with subscribers. This enables businesses to provide more in-depth information and value to their audience. This is great if you're a rambler like me!

Drive sales:

An email campaign can be used to promote sales, discounts, and other offerings to your subscribers, encouraging them to make a purchase.

Brand ownership:

With email, you own your subscriber list and have complete control over the messaging. On social media, a business's account can be suspended or deleted if you mistakenly don't follow the rules (or if there is a glitch in their systems). With an email list - it's all up to you, you own it. Imagine doing all that hard work to one day log in and find it has all gone. You have to have another means of communicating with your clients and leads.

Loyalty to your business or brand:

Regular communication using email can help you to build a relationship with your subscribers, meaning increased loyalty and repeat business. Winning!

What do you think? If you aren't already emailing your clients and potential clients, does this make you feel like you really should be? YES, yes you should!

If you have no idea where to start, get in touch and book a free call to see how Nota Bene can help you out. 

Social media is important to any business, yes. That's why I've spent the last 3 years offering it as my primary service and upskilling in it. But an email list is vital!

Been thinking about it, but haven't quite got started? We're happy to help, just get in touch and make a time for a 30-minute chat about what you need to achieve. 

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