Why AI Shouldn't Write Your Entire Blog Post (written by AI)

I've been writing a few blogs lately for clients, which I always love doing. Today, though, we tried something a bit different. We got Chat GPT to write the blog, and then I went through and "de-robofied" it. Made it sound human, and also made it sound like more a New Zealander. It came out pretty good, but it definitely required the human touch. 

So, once that was done, I got it to write ME a blog. On why they shouldn't be used without some serious editing and personalising. 

The below is what I got back....

ME: Write a blog on why AI shouldn't write blogs for businesses


Title: The Human Touch: Why AI Shouldn't Write Blogs for Businesses


In today's technologically advanced world, artificial intelligence (AI) has undoubtedly transformed various industries, including content creation. With AI becoming more sophisticated, there has been a growing trend of businesses relying on AI to write blogs. While AI may offer convenience and efficiency, it falls short when it comes to delivering the quality and authenticity that only human writers can provide. In this blog, we will explore the reasons why AI shouldn't be entrusted with the task of writing blogs for businesses.

Lack of Emotional Connection:

One of the fundamental aspects of successful blog writing is establishing an emotional connection with readers. Humans possess a unique ability to empathize and understand the emotions of their audience. Whether it's a personal anecdote, a relatable story, or a passionate perspective, human writers can convey emotions that resonate with readers. AI, on the other hand, lacks the inherent understanding of emotions and personal experiences, making it difficult for it to establish a genuine connection.

Creativity and Originality:

Creativity and originality are crucial elements that make blogs stand out. Human writers have the capacity to think outside the box, bringing fresh ideas and perspectives to their work. They can incorporate unique insights, engage in creative wordplay, and adapt their writing style to suit the target audience. AI, despite its ability to generate content based on patterns and existing data, often lacks the innovation and flair that comes naturally to human writers. Blogs created by AI may end up sounding formulaic, generic, and devoid of the creative spark that captures readers' attention.

Contextual Understanding:

Blogs for businesses often require an in-depth understanding of the industry, target audience, and current trends. Human writers can conduct research, analyze data, and synthesize information to produce well-informed content that aligns with the business goals. AI, while capable of processing vast amounts of data, may struggle to grasp the nuances and context that play a vital role in creating compelling and relevant blog content. It may produce content that is factually correct but lacks the depth and expertise that human writers can provide.

Adaptability and Tone:

Writing blogs involves adapting the tone and style to match the brand voice and target audience. A successful blog should reflect the unique personality and values of the business it represents. Human writers have the ability to adjust their tone, incorporating humor, empathy, or professionalism as required. AI, however, may struggle to accurately capture the desired brand voice and maintain consistency throughout the content. This limitation can lead to a lack of authenticity and cohesion, diminishing the impact of the blog on the intended audience.

Unintended Bias and Errors:

AI systems are trained using existing data, which means they may inadvertently inherit biases present in the training data. When it comes to writing blogs, biased content can harm a business's reputation and alienate potential customers. Additionally, AI-generated content is not immune to errors. While human writers are prone to mistakes as well, they possess the ability to identify and correct errors during the writing and editing process. AI, on the other hand, can generate content that is grammatically correct but may lack logical coherence or contain factual inaccuracies.


While AI has undoubtedly brought numerous advancements and efficiencies to various industries, including content creation, it falls short in certain critical aspects when it comes to writing blogs for businesses. The emotional connection, creativity, context, adaptability, and authenticity that human writers provide are essential ingredients for successful blog writing. By embracing the human touch, businesses can ensure that their blogs resonate with their audience, establish trust, and foster meaningful connections that ultimately contribute to their success in the digital landscape.


What do you think? As someone who has a lot to do with words and writing, it sticks out a mile away that it was written by Chat GPT, and if a blog ends with "conclusion", "in conclusion" or "overall", you can almost definitely say it was written by some kind of AI. 

Something not mentioned above is how when done well, AI really can enhance the experience of being on your website, or following you on social media and improve your SEO. But using unoriginal, unedited AI content on your website, social media, and other online places, can damage your SEO and hurt your online rankings. So use it, but use it with care. 

It definitely has its place, and from early on I realised I needed to get on board or the train was leaving me behind. I'm no Ai expert, but I'm really enjoying learning the extent of what it can do for business, even one whose income relies on me being able to write for myself. 

For ideas, outlines, talking points, and formats - it's incredible. When I'm low on ideas of things to talk about for my own content I can put in something like "5 talking points around why a business should be on Pinterest" or "10 blog post subjects for social media managers" and it will give me them. From there - I can turn that into a blog, or 5 posts, or whatever I like. But I heavily edit it, so it has that Nota Bene flavour. It's just really helpful for giving me ideas on WHAT to write about, as opposed to what to write. 

Yesterday I got it to give me 14 days of low-carb, high-protein dinners, lunches, and snacks for fussy families. 15 seconds later, I had it.

When it first became easily available, my husband told Chat GPT to write a love story about 2 of his co-workers - he gave it some specifics about them, their job and hobbies and away it went. (And it was hilarious, he kept going back and making changes, turning it into a poem, a song and all sorts. Blew our minds!)

So, what's my point? Use it, it's definitely here to stay. It's not evil, it's not scary and it's actually pretty incredible. But use it wisely. Don't just copy and paste blogs and social media and try to pass it off as your own work. If you use it to write blogs, be sure to edit it to have your voice, your tone, and even little things like by default it writes in American English, not UK English - something you can ask it to correct, but unless you say otherwise, it will use American English. 

Don't be scared! But do make sure you keep your business voice in there and you'll find it to be a hugely useful tool.


P.S. The image used in this article was also created by AI. I jumped on Tome, and told it to create an image of AI creating social media posts - the robot is what it gave me, then the background was taken from Canva. Technology is incredible!