Want someone to take care of your social media, so you don’t have to worry about it?

So often, we create a social media presence for our businesses, but then we get too busy with other tasks, despise doing it, or just don’t understand it. And so the business sits alone on social media, looking unloved, and more importantly – looking like someone who maybe isn’t successful, because they never post.

With our team handling your social media management, your business stays fresh and up-to-date online, leaving you free to focus on other tasks in your business. 


Each month, we ensure up to 4 platforms, eg LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Google have 12 posts per month, and you can just sit back and reap the benefits! This can include 1 carousel and 1 reel per month.

This includes a monthly report on how your platforms are tracking, as well as regular checks to see if any platforms need a "freshen up" to keep things relevant and a 30-minute check-in around week 3 of each month to plan for the coming month.

From $799 per month.


Are you spending so much time working behind the scenes that you never really get to grow your business, or to do the things you actually love??

What if you had someone to take care of all of your social media? That would be amazing, right? You'd have so much more time to do the things you enjoy!!

But what about the more direct channels of communication?

Do you regularly write blogs to showcase your expertise, knowledge, products and services?

Do you send out regular, quality newsletters to your database?

That's just as stressful as social media, maybe even more so, right??

What started as a bespoke offer for a potential client has quickly become a very popular option! This plan wraps all of your communication up into one clear, succinct bundle, removing the stress of when to post or send out emails, and just ensuring that it gets done. 

  • Each month, we will have a 45-minute call, usually in week 3, to plan out the coming month.

  • 12 social media posts across up to 4 social media channels. For example, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google

  • Monthly reporting on your social media, newsletter open rates, clicks on links etc

  • 1 Blog, also posted to LinkedIn as an article (if relevant) Outline provided by you

  • Up to 2 Newsletters

  • This can include 2 carousels and 2 reels per month

From $1399 per month


The ultimate social media package. Ideal for businesses who require much more in-depth care of their social media and content.

This includes:

  • Monthly planning catch-up

  • Regular checks of your various platforms to ensure they are up to date

  • Monthly reporting

  • Notifying you of any comments/messages that need your attention on social media

  • 4 social media posts to up to 4 platforms per week

  • 2 blogs posted to your website and LinkedIn and 4 newsletters per month, also added to LinkedIn Newsletters (provided you met their criteria)

  • This can include 4 carousel posts and 4 reels.

From $2199 per month.


All packages include an initial analysis of your insights and monthly reports back to you on how it is progressing.

Ideally, you will have a plan of what you would like to be talking about, many clients find that it's easiest to write up a rough draft of what they want to focus on or talk about, then we fluff it up, format it, get it scheduled and out on the right channels.

For blogs and newsletters, what has been working best is to agree on a publishing date for both newsletters and blogs and stick with that each month, so we both know what is expected, and when by. 

Prior to each month, via email, phone or zoom call, we discuss what you would like your social media, newsletters and blogs to focus on for the coming month – any offers, announcements, or spotlight on particular products, etc. We also ensure that any blogs or articles are shared across your social media. 

From there, we will write up the content for the posts, and send them to you for your approval, until such time as you are confident in the way we are creating your posts.

Once we have your approval, we will create images to go with them and schedule on your behalf, at the appropriate times to suit your audience.

We will post across your platforms, ensuring current, relevant hashtags are used on Instagram and LinkedIn.

This package includes an initial analysis of your insights and monthly reports back to you on how it is progressing. 


  • Change up the posting schedule, so each platform has different posts going out.

  • Additional Carousel posts or Reels added to your monthly plan

  • Overhaul of your social media platforms, particularly Pinterest and You Tube.

  • Engage in posts, reply to comments and messages, share to relevant groups. By prior approval only, and will only be completed at set times of the day.

  • Uploading videos as Reels, Stories, TikToks or to You Tube to reach an even wider audience.

  • Livening and distributing podcasts. (We have a podcast editor whom we are happy to work with for your editing needs)

These optional extras will incur an additional cost. Price on application. 

Any additional work outside of your plan is charged at our ad hoc hourly rate.